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Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:22 am

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This forum is restricted to females, women, ladies and bitchs alike:• The aim of this Forum is to provide a common area for women to use. • A meeting ground for the genuine women who have an interest in biking but not with standing this. • It is not a knitting circle nor is it a "women vs men’ forum however feel free to rage on them as much as you like, it’s good for the emotional wellbeing. • It is a Celebration of all things women, by Women.Entry requirements:• 100% vote is needed for a nomination to be successful. • An unsuccessful nominee may be nominated more than once but may not exceed 3 times.• All members have to vote.• For those members who can’t log-on regularly a forum buddy system will be put in place.• It is the responsibility of the forum buddy to obtain the said persons vote and to post it in the voting thread.Forum topics:• Any topic may be discussed regardless of the sensitivity of the subject or the fall out it could cause.• Forum members are not allowed to get personal with a fellow forum member, however this does not mean that the forum may not be used to point out or highlight concerns a member might have about another member.Forum privacy:• It is inevitable that the existence of this forum will get out to the general public however the contents within the forum may never be discussed with anyone outside the circle.• Photos and posts may not be reposted on another site or distributed unless the topic of that photo or post has been asked permission.• The penalty for those that break this rule will be swift and severeLadies, I don’t think I need to explain that this forum is a safe haven, a sanctuary so to speak where people can let their hair down and be who they are without having to worry about the whole world criticising them, please respect the rest as you would like to be respected. If we all abide by this then I see no reason why we can’t have a health long lasting friendship.